
Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Okay. I'm gonna write about Facebook. I've used Facebook for 2 years now. It gets annoying sometimes, and it's repetitive.
Here's why I liked facebook:
-my friends used it

Here's why I didn't like facebook:
-always changing
-addicting, in a scary (it got to the point where if I wasn't being productive and I had access to the internet, I would just log on and check my notifications. If I had some, I would be happy, and if I didn't have any, I would be sad)
-things got old (seeing the same types of statuses over and over again; if I wanted to I probably could have sorted all of them into categories and subcategories and never need a new category for a few months)
-privacy issues (if I ever want to do something that needs a background check, the last thing I want is for people to see the posts I've made on facebook (not that they're that bad!))
-it's not going to last (I shall elaborate)
-it makes physical communication seem so hard when you can just type things into a chat box

When I say it's not going to last, I mean that I think it's just going to fade away eventually, like Myspace, Friendster, Google+, etc.. It might be one of those companies that just does things right and stays on top (Google vs. Bing. When was the last time you heard someone say Bing it?) for awhile, but I don't think it'll do that. Instead, I think it'll fade away and people won't miss it because there will be a new standard that everyone uses.

Because I only had ONE reason on my "liked" list, I deleted my facebook today. I'm hoping my social life doesn't take a dive with it, but I think without Facebook, I'll be more focused in life.

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