
Monday, June 18, 2012

French, and Mainstream Music

I had French finals this morning. They were easymode. I wish I finished a little faster. I was one of the last two in the class. I remembered a few words that I normally don't, so I was happy about that... idk. It was too easy. There was no challenge. I flew through the multiple choice, wrote down words for the 50-word notes, and then came home. Here I am now. So, on to a more important topic.
Mainstream Music.

First off, I don't even like the word "mainstream". It's only used by people who care about whether things are mainstream. I don't care if someone else likes something I like. I don't care if everyone likes something I like. I don't care if no one likes something I like. The point is, if I like it, why should I pay attention to what others think of it? Obviously this doesn't apply to everything. "lol i like smoking i don't care what others think!!@11111!11!11!" No. Smoking = detrimental to one's health. Listening to mainstream music? Not detrimental to health (maybe social health). Everyone wants to be the person who listens to the stuff no one else listens to. They all want to listen to some really underground, obscure rap, not because they like it better than other stuff, but because when they're asked about their taste in music, they can puff up their chest and say, "I listen to -group no one has ever heard of here-!" In my opinion, this is how people get famous anyways. Maybe someone DOES like them better than other mainstream stuff; but that doesn't mean they need to make tons of statuses/tweets/posts/whatever the fuck else they do because they don't like mainstream things (TUMBLR)/other about what their listening to. It means they're entitled to their own taste in music and they shouldn't care whether people like Arnav will listen to the mainstream stuff like "Titanium" by David Guetta.

The word "mainstream" has popped up far too much in my life recently. So, maybe this blog post will ward it off. Hopefully. I AM TITAAAAAAANIIIIIUUUUUUUUMMMMMM  wubwubwuwbwubwubwuwbwubwubwuwbuwbwubwubwuwbwuwuwuwbwubwubwubwuwbubwub

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