"You know, mama [pronounced muh-mah, the way I've addressed my mom forever], piano is a really nice instrument. If only there were some way to get better at this beautiful instrument without forming bad habits. Alas, if only I had an experienced pianist visiting our house once a week for about an hour to point me in the right direction and help me progress to a higher level of proficiency..."That, ideally, is what I would have said, but as soon as I said the word piano, my mother stopped me. Remember when I said I'd been subtly hinting towards piano lessons? Yeah, I haven't exactly mastered the art of subtlety yet...
After much convincing (part of which actually took place before the dinner), she agreed to let me try piano lessons. I did a lot of research on finding a good teacher, and I think I've found an amazing one. We've now called him and scheduled a lesson for this Sunday at 5:30. I truly can't wait to progress to playing the piano properly, partly parce que le plupart de my presence on this planet has been packed with piano pieces impossible to play because of a paucity of proficiency in playing this pulchritudinous instrument.
I'm sorry.