
Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Computer
Why I love it, why I hate it, etc.

Okay. My computer is pretty cool. It's the first desktop I've ever owned. Previously owned computers:
-Dell Latitude D610 (hand-me-down laptop)
-Macbook Pro (also a hand-me-down laptop).

As for those, I didn't like the Dell, and I loved the Macbook. However, the Macbook wasn't compatible with a lot of the things I wanted to do, and my torrented version of Parallels didn't help much with that. So, we took the desktop in my mother's office, got her a Dell XPS laptop (it's huge!) and put the desktop in my room. It's what I use to type these posts. Here's why owning this Inspiron 545s can be a pain sometimes:
  • Slim computer = low profile graphics card only
  • low profile graphics card? have fun trying to play any game that's NOT league of legends or maplestory
  • no place to put all my wires (the desk I own is more of a homework-desk, not a computer-desk. there's no hole in the back to put all your wires)
  • wow there's not as many problems on this list as I thought there would be, but the first one is good enough to be 10 problems

so, yeah. That sucks. But, here's some awesome parts about this computer:
  • it's a COMPUTER

  • it's a desktop; never leaving my room ftw

  • 17" Monitors are cool

  • not as cool as 23" monitors :(

  • over 500GB storage

I've been wanting to build my own computer for my birthday (July 3rd)... we'll see how that goes. I'm hoping to get some amazing parts, like an AMD Radeon 7850, an SSD (if I can afford one), etc.

Friday, May 18, 2012


So, this really popular person had a party at school. Naturally, I wasn't invited. I didn't expect to be. My friends were; that made me a bit sad. It sucks to be the guy who sits at home playing League of Legends rather than enjoying with friends. I'm kind of an extroverted geek, in my opinion. I like to go to parties, but only parties with people who have the same interests as me. That makes it kind of hard to go to parties... (/humor). The real kicker, the reason I'm sad, the reason I'm making this post, is that tonight, I looked out a window and saw the Big Dipper. No big deal, right? Well, after the party was over everyone got on facebook and talked about how the nerds at the party (not me) all showed the other people the Big Dipper in the sky. I don't know why, but as soon as I saw that I got really sad. I saw the Big Dipper, too! But I saw it at home while playing video games. Something tells me I need to be less antisocial.


This post is gonna be about MIT.
a. I'm a bit young to be worrying about college. I get that.
b. Even though I'm a bit young, MIT sounds/looks like the best place on the planet.

I want to work at Google, too. Big plans. It feels like I wanna just fast forward through high school and apply to MIT. I don't know if I would make it, and I'm trying not to get my hopes up or put all my eggs in one basket, but wow. It just seems so much more fun than other colleges. Where else to people hack their school? Where else can you walk into a room where everyone thinks the same way you do? What other school compares their applicants to hikers? I love this. Here's a video, if you don't know much about MIT:

Doesn't that look amazing? Google is the same way. It's like a version of MIT, but instead of staying until you graduate, you can stay forever. You can do what you love, and know that everyday you're making a difference. I'm smiling as I'm writing this because I'm thinking about it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

High School

Hopefully I can look back at this in high school and be like, "Wow. I was naive, but I was right about a lot of the things." I also sent an e-mail to my future self. I recommend the site Future Me, I used it to send myself a letter one year into the future. Anyways, here's a few expectations for high school that I have right now:

  • I'm not gonna like Piano. I currently think it'll be a lot more fun than Cello, but I feel like I'm gonna regret it the same way I regret Cello now. Hopefully, I'll like it better.
  • Computer Programming I will be easy for the first few weeks, then start to get challenging. I have some experience with Computer Programming, but we might learn some of the more technical stuff in the class. Also, I have no idea what language/languages we'll use. If it's VB.NET, I'm dropping out of the class. Hopefully, Python or C (or Java, but that's unlikely).
  • Math will be better. Geometry sounds easier than Integrated Algebra. That's saying something, because Integrated Algebra is pretty easy. I like Math, it's fun.
  • A few of my friends will grow apart from me. It's inevitable.
  • I'll make a few new friends, as well.

The Hobbit

We're reading The Hobbit for English. Good book, I like that we're reading fantasy and not something like Pudd'nhead Wilson. High school English sounds boring; everyone talks about stuff like "Ugh I have to read (book title goes here)."

High school. I'm gonna write a looooong blog post about that.


I added music. As of right now it's only my favorite song. A couple things to know about the music that I'm gonna put on here:
-mainly dubstep
-very little other genre stuff

Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

Testing my HTML stuff right now.

This should be a paragraph, and I just used a line break, if I know my HTML properly. =/

edit: Decided to post this because my first post using HTML by myself!
Time for my daily learning of a programming language. Today I might either:
a. Go on with JavaScript, or
b. Start PHP/HTML. I think I wanna do a bit of HTML (just the basics) so I can make these posts without Google's easymode blogging platform.

Lacking Originality

I feel like I lack originality. This came up today during a conversation between me and a friend.
"Just log into my account for me, username is Sandwichezzz and password is <password>."
"WTF? Sandwichezzz?"
"Yeah, I came up with the name when I was 11, because I... um... liked sandwiches?"
"It says it needs your e-mail... what's your e-mail?"
oh god
"My e-mail?"
I then hid my face in embarrassment. Why didn't I just choose a normal "" Why not initials? Because I wanted to be original. Here's a list of various usernames I've used over the years, in chronological order:
  • (first e-mail, used it for about a month before switching to GMail. I liked falcons.)
  • (I liked pokemon.)
  • Pierate (I had this thing about pie. Remember, this is when I was still about 9.)
  • Sandwichezzz (If I recall correctly, my first MapleStory account? Back in like v63 or v75, for MapleStory players. I stopped playing after Big Bang Patch.)
  • thesandwichman (Roblox?)
  • iArnav (I chose it because I thought it would be original. I still use it today, but I regret it. I thought, "Wow, this is original!", but truthfully, everyone and their mother uses i<Name>.)
  • arnavIsABoss (Don't know whether I should count this one. This was created when I made my twitter, @arnavIsABoss. I still use it for twitter.)
  • supermegaultra (newest one, but I only used it once for some random online game because for some reason iArnav was taken.) 
Wow. I didn't even know I'd used that many; I just ran through all the ones I remembered and a few others came back to me. That's cool. I can't believe how much I've changed in only four years, though. From when I was 9 and using arnav_falcon98, to now when I use arnavIsABoss; I'm sure when I'm in college I'll be using something else. Or at least, I hope I will. Sometimes I'm amazed by usernames that have meaning. It's like an inside joke that only the user understands. I wish I had one of those.

The Final Goodnight

Just finished my homework. This is the final goodnight. Before I go, I want to say that I like this blog so far. I've made a few others, but they were one-day things where I just wanted to spill out my emotions for one night. I hope this one turns out different. Maybe this will go with me to high school, college, etc.. I don't want to jinx it though, so I'm not going to say that it will. It's almost 5AM, so I have school in less than 3 hours. Time to get a good night's sleep.

Or maybe just a nap, depending on the denotation of the terms. (I may or may not know what "denotation" means.)


Alright. Gonna go do Social Studies homework for the night. Tomorrow? Hopefully I can get a little farther in JavaScript and start getting into HTML/PHP, because web coding sounds fun. I still don't know if I wanna be a web coder or an application coder first. I'd love to be both, later in life. Also, I'm reading all my posts in the voice of Jesse Eisenberg because I just watched The Social Network. I have to say, reading them like that in my head makes them sound a lot better. You should try reading them in that voice too.

edit: I keep forgetting add post titles.
edit: I accidentally a word there.

Awesome Quote I Just Heard

"This is our time. This time, you're gonna hand them a business card that says, I'm C.E.O, BITCH."
-Sean Parker, in "The Social Network". Watching it right now.

Conclusion of Beginning.

Here's a quick summary of the beginning of my blog:
-Default template because I can't code
-Just realized this will never show up on Google because I don't know SEO

-Inconsistent posts. I made 3 tonight, might make 0 for 4 days and make 7 on the 5th day.

//edit. Looking back on this, I like this post. A lot. Default template because I can't code has been semi-fixed. This site shows up on google when you google "Arnav Is A Boss". My posts? Still inconsistent as hell. :)

Default Template

I'm ashamed of not knowing HTML. Or CSS. Or knowing any programming language, for that matter. I like to call myself a "programmer" in my head, but I don't thoroughly know ANY programming language. I'm egotistic because as of 8th grade I'm the only kid that can do a Hello World application in any language. I showed a couple classmates some JavaScript and it made me more egotistic. I need to stop doing that. It's an in-the-moment thing. I wanna impress people, so I show them the only thing I know how to do good.

(that was surprisingly deep, all I wanted to convey from this post was that I don't know how to make my own blog template, so I'm sticking with one of the default ones until I can.)

Hello, World

First post. I made this blog because of inspiration. It's 2:32 AM right now. My inspiration to make a blog:
-Watching The Social Network.
-MIT Admissions Blogs
-Being up late at night
-Having a place I can dump all my thoughts into
-Having a place safe from people in my school
-I'm sick of Twitter's micro-blogging format in which you can only use 140 characters to express your thoughts.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I just hit 80 WPM last night, too. That's kind of a part of it, I guess. It's not a reason for making the blog, but it's a plus. I don't know if this blog is an in-the-moment thing or if it's gonna be something I take with me through high school and college, and I hopefully I can make it better by learning HTML and stuff. For now, I'm sticking to learning JavaScript, but I waver a lot with learning languages. I was learning Python a week and a half ago. My first language that I ever tried was C++. I failed at it. I then did a bit of Batch (@echo off stuff) and HTML. I don't remember much of anything from HTML besides <p> and </p>. Or is that just because I watched The Social Network? Hmm. (Funny thing I just noticed: typing < or > in Google's simple blog posting shows "&lt;" or "&gt;" in HTML. Maybe if I ever learn HTML I'll know more about that.

I'm NOT going to update this blog regularly. I don't even know if I'll update it at all. I'm not good with sticking to schedules. Inconsistency is my middle name. I don't want it to feel like, "Ugh. Time to update my blog." I want it to be something more like, "Wow. That was interesting. I'm gonna blog about that."

//there used to be a paragraph here, but my mind is controversial so I backspace a lot. I don't like it.

Anyways, welcome to my blog. :)